For this post, I observed my surroundings. I noticed that a lot of name calling went on between people my age.
We all have called people names, either to someones face, or behind their back. But how would that make the person feel when they know that you've been talking bad about them? Or when you say it to their face? Or even when you can't even say it yourself so you have to send someone else to tell them? It sure doesn't make them feel good about themself. That person will change to try and please everyone. They'll become someone they're not, and that's what some people like to concider as "fake".
Would you enjoy being fake? Would you like to have to pretend to be someone your not all the time just to try and please people who wouldn't even like you for you? Why would you want to be around those people anyway? I feel like people who pretend to be who they're not, get so caught up in their act that they become someone they're not. If people think that you're fake, and they start spreading that, then where will you be? Nowhere. No one wants to be friends with someone who's fake, someone who has to try too hard to get people to like them. There are always people who will like you for you. If everyone thought the same, acted the same, dressed the same, the world would be pretty boring and dull. And when you are you, you add your own special something to the world.
Very interesting. I love how you really question what its like to be "fake" or what people think of it