Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Letter Re: Romeo & Juliet

Dear Reader,

In ELA we have just started to read Romeo and Juliet. We haven't gotten that far into the book and it already confuses me.

First of all, there are so many characters it's hard to keep track of them. Also, these characters have very similar names which sometimes mixes me up. All the characters are involved in the same situation and it sometimes makes it confusing to follow.

One other thing that I don't understand about this book, is why the Capulets and the Montagues have this rivalry. Whenever they encounter each other it always leads to a fight. However, it hasn't said why one family doesn't like the other.

The last thing that annoys me in this book it the language. It's really old, so they speak totally different from how we speak today. A lot of the time, they say things that seem to mean something, but when you look to see the translation, it means something really weird and different.

In conclusion, this book is really confusing and hard to read. I hope it gets better as i become more familiar with the characters and the language



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